Flower garden

I plant a flower for each new thing I learn or come across, kinda like a diary.

  1. Learning about OOP in JS!
  2. Finshed reading a book about UX communciation.
  3. TIL that it's quite fun to make custom pyplot diagrams using annotations.
  4. TIL how to do performance testing, load testing, and stress testing.
  5. TIL that MathML exists and is supported in most browsers!
  6. Solidifying my knowledge on React Hooks :)
  7. TIL that you can do animations in SVG, and tried to animate one.
  8. TIL how to manage global css and scripts using web frameworks.
  9. TIL how to set boundaries between CSR and SSR Next.js components.
  10. TIL a little bit on the basics of systems design.
  11. TIL how to use Astro with React (very painful).
  12. TIL how to use useEffect and useState in react.
  13. Finshed reading Atomic Habits.
  14. TIL how convenient Next.js and Tailwind is (this yard is written in Vanilla JS).
  15. Revising commands for Git and Docker.
  16. TIL the difference between USB version specs.
  17. Tried CADding in Fusion 360 today.
  18. TIL what's a router and a modem and a switch.
  19. Played around with Arduino stuff.
  20. TIL how to write and run Makefile commands work.
  21. TIL modern web paradigms like hydration.
  22. Started learning a new web framework Astro.
  23. TIL to use ngrok.
  24. TIL how to manage docker containers and images.
  25. Helped set-up DNS TXT and MX records.
  26. Found a guide on C++ quirks coming from C/Java.
  27. TIL how to dual boot Ubuntu on my Windows device.
  28. TIL how to SSH into remote devices.
  29. TIL difference of outputs of Webpack, Rollup and Vite.
  30. TIL how to use Google Maps API.
  31. TIL I learnt the basics of Gen AI.
  32. Read a paper and saw a swarm plot.
  33. TIL how to use pandas to analyse stock market trends and indices.
  34. TIL the difference between datetime.datetime, np.datetime64, and pd.Timestamp.
  35. TIL the algorithm to find median from a list.
  36. TIL that there is a faster search than binary search.
  37. TIL how to design interfaces for VR.
  38. Today I started learning React & NextJS.
  39. TIL how CloudFlare works.
  40. Discovered an open-source resource teaching web dev
  41. TIL how to use .htaccess.
  42. TIL how to run external scripts in JS.
  43. TIL how to use descriptive HTML elements.
  44. TIL that I don't know how bundlers work.
  45. TIL how to create a site in VanillaJS.
This site is under construction.